1. ***V2 The Buzzard SDS on the
rock on the big double undercling and
work your way up the beak into a cool
double knee-bar then up to the crimps
and up. The landing is not great, but
the problem is not that high.
2. V2 Flea Thought this would be
Cooler high start with you left hand
high on the arete and right on a low rail
get your foot up and and bump right
until you find something worth pulling
3. **VBR Shoo-Fly start all the way
right on the shelf and head up the good
holds on the slab.
4. **!V2R The Coyote start on the
arete or the crimps just above and set
a high heel or toe and rock onto the
face and up.
5. V? Project cool looking overhanging
Bushwack Boulder
6. **V2 It's a Trick Sure looks like an
easy warm up, but its pretty crimpy.
7. *V2 It's a Trap Another easy
looking problem. Strong balancy lay
back the finger crack.