1. * V1 Saddle Up SDS and work the rail left until your sitting on the rock
2. ** V2
Bluff SDS and work up the seams up.
3. * V3
Rock lust Layback the left edge and gracelessly hump you way to the top, unless you know a better way.
4. *** V4
Train Bound for Nowhere Layback the right crack. Some cool kneebars and a slopey arete make way more fun then #3.
5. VB Slab and the two aretes.
6. * V0 Work up the aretes.
7. ** V1 The gritty right side of the arete.
8. *V1 From the sharp crimps head up the seam to the lip.
9. Project: Sharp crimps to micro knobs, or just go for it.